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By October 1, 2011

Is it all right to date a friend’s ex?

Yeah…um…I like this girl right…but she just broke up with my best friend…and I really like her and everyone knows I really like her….we talk a lot and I have helped her get over a couple guys… and I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know if she likes me or not. I mean we flirt with each other quite a bit, but I’m just confused as to what I should do because I don’t know how she feels about me.


Well, yeah, um, like…I mean, if you just can’t rest and feel you just HAVE to know where she stands, you’ll have to suck it up and get the courage to JUST ASK HER! Tell you keep seeing her go through sucka after sucka, loser after loser and there you are waiting in the wing. Ask her when she is going to stop going for zeros and get with a hero!

I feel though that dating the exes of friends and family members should not be considered a viable option, especially if those two people have been sexually intimate. Can we say “awkward!”

Couples often break up and go through all kinds of drama, only to get back together in a week or two. Your friend would cut you out of the picture for trying to move in on his girl during their “rough time.” It would give him the impression that you were only his friend because you were trying to find a moment when his game was weak so you could pounce on his woman.

It also puts the young lady in the position of being passed around a family or within a group of friends like a plate of hors d’oeurves. To be looked at by your parents and the parents of your friend isn’t necessarily the best look for her. And it makes you look like a wolf that covets his friends girls, and some of your friends might in the future be leery of having you around their girlfriends. They’d be wondering if you are scheming up on a way to get at their girl if they have a problem and break up temporarily. You know what I mean?

With all these risks and pitfalls, can’t you just like someone else?

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Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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Posted in: Teen Dating FAQs

About the Author:

Relationship and dating advice columnist of Ask HeartBeat! Has enjoyed dishing out insightful yet hilariously funny advice, tersely worded reality checks and "let me slap you upside the head" wake up calls to men and women around the globe since 1991.

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