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Coop’s Corner

BWE and the 12 Commandments of Sisterhood
By December 20, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

BWE and the 12 Commandments of Sisterhood

The only way out of the mental and emotional hole black women are in is to join hands and pull each other up. Columnist and social researcher Deborrah Cooper proposes 12 Commandments of Sisterhood as a great starting point for the Black Women’s Empowerment movement.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Day 19 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Pastor Tricks and Lies
By October 2, 2013 1 Comments Read More →

Day 19 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Pastor Tricks and Lies

Don’t allow yourself to get crossed up in those types of mind games. If your man is headed for a fall, step back and let him hit the ground. He’s a grown man, not a baby. You don’t need to rush in there and try to make it all better for him like his Mommy. He’ll get up on his own or reach out to other men to help him up, and he’ll be stronger and smarter for the hard knots he has on his big head and the lessons he’s learned.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
By September 27, 2013 0 Comments Read More →


Men need a reality check and women are here to give it to them. Never support a man’s dream when its unrealistic, unattainable dreams and he is clearly setting himself up for failure.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
By August 28, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

The Fire This Time: James Baldwin and Feminism

Racism and sexism, oppression by skin color and by gender are two sides of the same coin. Black men cannot cry foul concerning racist treatment by whites, seek out the black woman’s assistance in fighting that racism, then turn around and treat black women with the same disdain as a Klansman. You believe in roles, right? Then remember that your role is to protect women and envelope them in softness, not to terrorize, abuse and beat them down.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Day 18 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Controlling Women via Birth Control Sabotage

Day 18 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Controlling Women via Birth Control Sabotage

Sabotage of birth control is very real. From hiding BC pills to poking holes in condoms and diaphragms, men are forcing young women to become pregnant against their will. Pregnancy and childbirth should always be the WOMAN’S CHOICE, never that of a confused and desperate man whose top goal in life is to do all he can to ruin your daughter’s future.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
The 10 Things That Disqualify a Man for Love
By August 13, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

The 10 Things That Disqualify a Man for Love

Just because a woman says she “can’t find a man” it doesn’t mean that she isn’t dating or having sex regularly. What she means is that she hasn’t yet found THE man, the one that she wants to be with forever, the one that she can fully trust, the one whose name she can take with pride, the one she would set up a joint checking account with.

10 Types of Women Single Guys Ignore and Why You Should Date Them
By August 13, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

10 Types of Women Single Guys Ignore and Why You Should Date Them

Single men often complain about not being able to find a woman to date. I believe that’s because guys all want the same woman, leaving thousands of great women that would make you very happy sitting alone at home. Take a look at some of these undiscovered gems that are probably right under your nose.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT #1531 – Lying Men Need to Shut Their Pie Holes
By May 22, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT #1531 – Lying Men Need to Shut Their Pie Holes

If any guy can all say that he has NEVER, NOT ONE TIME done any of the 15 items on this list, he can talk about women making better choices. Other than that, shut up because you are the problem. You are the reason black women have broken hearts, hurt feelings and baggage.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Day 17 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Asking Women Stupid Ass Questions
By May 18, 2013 1 Comments Read More →

Day 17 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: Asking Women Stupid Ass Questions

DBR men will pop out with some of the lamest lines and the most inappropriate requests, guaranteed to elicit a heart felt “NO!” from any woman with even an ounce of self-esteem. The fact that women had to even answer these crazy questions demonstrates that the ignorance level of DBR black men is sky high.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Day 16 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: One Trick and Lie After Another
By April 8, 2013 1 Comments Read More →

Day 16 – 40 Days of Rain on DBR Black Men: One Trick and Lie After Another

DRB black males love to play mind games with and hurt women, and have no qualms about it. Making you feel off center and unstable is their goal. The less confident you feel, the more likely you are to give him what he wants.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Black Children Learn What They See
By April 4, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

Black Children Learn What They See

Inspired by the 1972 piece Children Learn What They Live by Dorothy Law Nolte, blogger Deborrah Cooper pens a guide for African American parents on how to raise black children with dignity, pride and high self esteem.

Posted in: Coop's Corner
Dad Who Beats Daughters for Twerkin Arrested for Child Abuse
By April 4, 2013 0 Comments Read More →

Dad Who Beats Daughters for Twerkin Arrested for Child Abuse

A 225 lb father was arrested and charged with child abuse for beating his two adolescent daughters with a cable cord. The fact that so many black men and women were applauding him for “good parenting” shows a sickness in the minds of black people that needs immediate treatment.

Posted in: Coop's Corner